May 26, 2021
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can be seen as a bit of a dark art, but as Tim Cameron Kitchen, the chief ninja over at Exposure Ninja explains, at its heart, it's something we can all do.
Tim started his career as a drummer, and found his way to where he is now in a less than conventional way, having learnt...
May 19, 2021
Have you lost your social media mojo? You're not alone, so many people are feeling fatigued with social media. And it's hardly surprising when you think about it!
Over the last year, we have all endured the craziest events that have led many of us to social media to connect. Whether from a business perspective or a...
May 12, 2021
With over 100k followers, Beth Sen is a popular equestrian influencer who's well known for her stunning images, beautiful horses, gorgeous outfits, and her passion for being kind.
During the time since Beth started her account, she has grown a following of over 100k loyal followers, worked with numerous equestrian...
May 5, 2021
Engagement is something that most social media users think about- well, more than think about, some obsess over it. How to nurture it, how to increase it, and how to create content that users want to engage with.
But what is engagement? What's an engagement rate? Why does it even matter?
On this episode, I talk all...