Aug 28, 2019
Before you listen to this - please be aware that I do not think I have this work/life/mum balance thing sorted.
I'm doing this podcast because it was requested over and over again. I don't feel I have this nailed. But I hope that in sharing this and how I 'do it all' you might feel inspired, take a little comfort from...
Aug 21, 2019
Do you suffer with anxiety? Confidence issues? Maybe imposter syndrome? Well strap yourself in because on this podcast I chat to Chloe Brotheridge, author of The Anxiety Solution and Brave New Girl all about it.
We talk about being anxious vs anxiety (and how to tell the difference), steps to master your anxiety,...
Aug 14, 2019
If you're thinking of starting a new social media account, whether it's on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, you name it - it can be scary. Because when you start it you're going to have a big fat zero under your name. You'll start with zero fans and zero followers. And that's absolutely fine.
Actually, it's more than fine...
Aug 7, 2019
Teddy The Shetland is an amazing little horse. Not just because he's incredibly cute, but because he's a superstar equine influencer with a reach well beyond the equestrian world.
In this episode I speak to Teddy's owner, event rider Alice Goring, about everything Teddy. From how he got started on Instagram to the speed...