Dec 30, 2020
I didn't know how to end 2020, because it's been a crazy year, hasn't it? How do you end a year where we've had a global pandemic, had restrictions that we would have never imagined, and now get panicky if anyone gets within 2m of us?! Or is the last one just me?
But, with reframing front of mind, I wanted to talk about the lessons that 2020 has taught me. Because I have learnt A LOT. Some of it was surprising, some of it reinforcing, but I hope that all of the things I've learnt will be useful to you too.
And I also want to say, as we end this year, that even though we have all endured some very dark times, and there are no doubt challenging times ahead, there has also been some positives to come out of 2020. A huge number of small businesses have been founded in 2020 (yes, some from necessity, but still), what's important (and I mean REALLY important) has been brought into sharp focus, the fact that we have all got through 2020 and found a new level of resilience we didn't know we had, that we have incredible people- doctors, nurses, scientists and more who are amazing and on our side, and that geographical limits no longer apply thanks to Zoom and more.
So here's to you 2020 - well, more here's to the lessons you've taught rather than everything you've brought to the party!