Jul 31, 2024
In the UK, we're now part way through the second week of the summer holidays, and I know how hard it can be. You have work, the heat, life, and now full time child activity provider/cook/cleaner/fixer/adjudicator of sibling squabbles to add to the list. It's a lot.
As a mum of two lively boys, I wanted to share some...
Jul 24, 2024
What do cookies, creativity, Regé-Jean Page, Zoella AND Brazilian Bum Bum Cream have in common?! It's Baked By Steph, a brilliant, fun, hobby turned business that Steph Giordano started in 2019.
Steph became obsessed with beautiful biscuits and the decoration of them as a hobby. As she perfected her fun designs,...
Jul 17, 2024
Fast fashion is a regular feature on many a newsfeed for all the wrong reasons. These cheap and often poor quality garments aren't designed to be with their purchaser for long, and are set to be worn a few times before finding their way to landfill. But there's another way.
Enter Lulu O'Connor, founder of The Clothes...
Jul 10, 2024
Lemonade Dolls is one of the fastest growing lingerie brands in the UK. It started life - as a community initially - when its founder, Lemon Fuller, started an Instagram account in 2017. She had worked in the entertainment industry for a number of years and kept seeing her incredibly talented friends suffer with a...
Jul 3, 2024
Urgh- if I had a penny for every time I see someone's work stolen online, I'd be a pretty rich woman. And think, if the people who had their work stolen earned money from it, they'd be a lot better off too!
On today's episode, I'm talking about sharing v. stealing, copyright infringement, the importance of asking (and...